LeadMagic's Email Finder

Email Finder Status Codes


You MUST put in the Company Domain or Company Name. Company Domain is always more accurate.

Input Example: (You MUST use one of them. Domain is more accurate.)

Company Domain: leadmagic.io (more accurate and preferred)

Company Name: LeadMagic (less accurate)


Valid Email Address (Priority #1) - 1 Credit (High Quality)


  • Description: The email response was given and is 100% valid.
  • Action: Always email. Low bounce rate <1%.
  • Always Tested Always a result of a mail-server validation.


Valid Catch All Email Address (Priority #2) - 1 Credit (Lower Quality)


  • Description: The email has been given a Valid Catch All (Accept All) status because we've discovered engagement information on it. It should be considered to be sent to at a lower volume or secondary to the valids which were confirmed by the email server.
  • Action: Send as a second priority. Higher bounce rate to be expected. 3-5%.
  • Caution Do not email these with newer domains or without warm-up or prior campaigns.


Catch All Email Address (Risky) - 0 Credits (Avoid)


  • Description: The domain sends only Catch All (Accept All) emails back and requires further validation.
  • Action: Validate with CatchAll Verification. Very risky to email. No guarantee of response or delivery.


Not Found (No Email Address Found) - 0 Credits


  • Description: The email response was catch-all, but engagement data shows the email is valid.
  • Action: Email.


You must provide either the Company Domain Name or the Company Name in your POST request.


Security Gateway Information

Secure Email Gateway Detection by LeadMagic

LeadMagic has taken a necessary step in helping people leveraging email addresses for the purposes of Email Marketing or Cold Email.

By detecting MX Records + Manufacturer of the MX Server Software, LeadMagic is able to provide you a deeper analysis of the chances of landing in the primary inbox for that domain.

On-top of that we provide you with a base company record to understand the impact of Size & MX Record of a Company and your overall reply rates in your campaigns.

Rate Limit


Rate Limit on Email Finder: 400 requests per minute

Contact our support team if you need to increase your requests per minute.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!